It’s time for an update
Ageism is an insidious phenomenon that filters through everywhere, consciously, or unconsciously. According to several studies, we know that one in every two individuals acts in an ageist way towards seniors and today, it’s even the most tolerated and widespread form of discrimination in our society. And it leaves more traces than one might think...
We are currently in an era of demographic transition, so it’s essential that we act now to effectively combat ageism. In order to perceive aging differently and no longer stigmatize people based on their age, a little update is due.
The time for change is now!
To understand how ageism manifest itself, browse our interactive carousel presenting 7 situations that involve ageist attitudes, followed by an enlightened update countering the negative view of aging.
For each interactive carousel you complete, the Luc Maurice Foundation will donate $2 to an organization working with seniors*.
The Luc Maurice Foundation is committed to supporting organizations and causes that contribute to the well-being and development of the elderly in Quebec.
Adopt the right reflexes
In order to overcome ageist behaviors and the prejudices associated with them, it’s important to understand the person you’re talking to. By showing respect, empathy and having a positive view on aging, we will slowly but surely eliminate ageism.
Discover our “update” capsules!
At work
What exactly is ageism?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), ageism is a multi-faceted social phenomenon comprising 3 interrelated aspects: stereotypes, prejudices, and discriminations, based on age and directed towards others or oneself
BEHAVIOURS / actions
Some eye-opening data
According to the International Federation of Aging (2014),
ageism most commonly reveals itself in these 3 forms:
Being ignored or treated
as though invisible
Being treated as having
nothing to offer
Being thought of
as incompetent
But other facts also demonstrate the true extent of the ageism:
Nearly 2/3 of Canadian seniors say they’ve been treated unfairly or differently because of their age.
8 out of 10 Canadians believe that people aged 75 and over are viewed as less important and are ignored more than younger generations.
Ageism is seen as the most widespread and tolerated social prejudice, comparably to racism and sexism.
50% of the world population exhibits some type of ageism.
Ageism ultimately
leads to isolation.
Ageism affects billions
of older adults worldwide
Are there ways to overcome ageism?
the educational strategy
Communicate more nuanced and realistic information on aging by highlighting the diverse backgrounds of seniors, their important contribution to society and their skills rather than their limitations.
the inter-generational strategy
Create meaningful and valuable connections between generations in order to get to know seniors better, to appreciate their diversity and uniqueness, and to see commonalities rather than incongruities.
The “volunteer” STRATEGY
Big or small, every gesture counts. Several organizations are committed to the cause of seniors and by giving them your time, you become part of the solution. The vast majority of volunteers are people aged 70 and over, but it’s up to you to give back to the community to those who have given us so much – and who continue to do so today!
The “verbal”
To say “My dear lady, at your age you shouldn't... “, is a no-go! Even if your intentions are well-meaning, these infantilizing, almost condescending expressions should be tossed from your vocabulary. Try to avoid using diminutives, simplifying your language or changing the tone of your voice. Of course, your grandma will always hold a special place in your heart, but just be mindful of how you express yourself. You can still show love and respect without using condescending language.
Let’s start by listening to them!
Dans quelques aînés
Le Groupe Maurice launches its first podcast! Hosted by Luc Maurice, each episode brings together, around a microphone, a senior and an expert to discuss topics or issues that concern seniors. The goal of this initiative is to give an authentic forum to retirees, who are unfortunately under-represented in the traditional media. New episodes exploring the purposes of life and the role of seniors in the workforce, are now available.
Capsules « Paparmanes »
The seniors speak their truths
Entertainer and producer Jean-Pier Gravel is a lover of people, experiences and magical moments. Laugh and smile as you watch his new video clip “Paparmanes Moments” (Peppermints Moments), where he meets with residents to demystify the notion of ageing. Enjoy these touching and enlightening exchanges about what love and life is like as we grow older.
sources de la page : GIRA, OMS.